Descriptive Images

General wall or column layout.


Reinforced Concrete Wall and Column Analysis with an Irregular Polygonal Shape

This app based on the reference of ACI-318-19, helps to obtain the interaction diagram of any wall or column with an irregular polygonal shape.

First, correctly define the information requested in the inputs below, then click the submit button and instantly you will have the results at the left part of the page. ( Note: Units need to be defined in the MKS system: meters and centimeters, kilogram force and seconds )

Dxf file selection and material properties

Always verify the dxf file only include the polygonal and the reinforcement data inside. The drawing must be scaled in centimeters.

The software will run an example file preloaded in the app when the input file format is different from a 'dxf'. A correct drawing implies a closed polygonal shape for the wall or column and the bars drawn in scale as a circle; both in centimeters.

Define material

Define loads: Pu, Mux, Muy